tshad med bzhi
quatro sem medida
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
चतुरप्रमेय , चतुर्प्रमाण , चत्वार्यप्रम ाणानि , चतुर् अप्रमाण
caturaprameya , caturpramāṇa , catvāryapramāṇāni , catur apramāṇa
quatro contemplações
quatro incomensuráveis, quatro pensamentos incomensuráveis
Traduzidos também como pensamentos incomensuráveis, são quatro estados mentais altamente virtuosos, considerados incomensuráveis porque o seu objeto é infinito, isto é, todos os seres sem excepção, e são fonte de mérito infinito. São nomeadamente: 1. amor incomensurável (byams pa, sscr. maitrī); 2. compaixão incomensurável (snying rje, karuṇā); 3. alegria ou regozijo incomensurável (dga' ba, muditā) e 4. equanimidade incomensurável (btang snyoms, upekṣa).
four boundless thoughts/attitudes/qualities
Unlimited love (byams pa, Skt. maitrī), compassion (snying rje, karuṇā), joy (dga' ba, muditā), and equanimity (btang snyoms, upekṣa). [WOMPT, 1998]
Translated also as boundless thoughts, they are four highly virtuous states of mind, regarded as immeasurable because they focus on all beings without exception and are productive of boundless merits. They are: love, compassion, sympathetic joy, and impartiality. [IMW, 2004]
Boundless love, compassion, joy, and impartiality, applied to all sentient beings without distinction. [TLWF, 2011]
Four highly virtuous states of mind, regarded as immeasurable because they focus on all beings without exception and are productive of boundless merits. They are: love, compassion, sympathetic joy, and impartiality. [TPQ, 2010]
Unlimited love (Tib. byams pa), compassion (Tib. snying rje), joy (Tib. dga’ ba), and equanimity (Tib. btang snyoms). [ZT, 2006]
Four thoughts directed to the entire aggregate of living beings, which are therefore de- scribed as incomensurable. They are boundless love, boundless compassion, boundless sympathetic joy, and boundless impartiality. [LLB, 2002]
cuatro cualidades ilimitadas, cuatro inconmensurables
Amor ilimitado (byams pa, Skt. maitrī), compasión ilimitada (snying rje, karuṇā), alegría ilimitada (dga' ba, muditā), e imparcialidad ilimitada (btang snyoms, upekṣa).
quatre pensées illimitées, quatre infinis*, Sentiments illimités, Vertus incommensurables (quatre) , quatre immensurables
la bonté illimitée (byams pa tshad med), la compassion illimitée (snying rje tshad med), la joie illimitée (dga’ ba tshad med) et l'équanimité illimitée (btang snyoms tshad med). On dit que ces pensées sont illimitées parce qu’elles s'appliquent à un nombre d’êtres infini, que la motivation qui incite à leur venir en aide est très vaste, que le bien que l'on fait en agissant ainsi est incommensurable et que l'excellence des conséquences est incalculable. [SAYT, 2014]
Ils sont quatre : l’amour-bienveillance, la compassion, la joie et l’impartialité. [M, 2003]
l’équanimité (btang snyoms , skt : upekṣā), l’amour (byams pa , maitrī), la compassion (snying rje , karuṇā) et la joie (dga’ ba , muditā). AT : quatre pensées illimitées. [CGP, 1997]
ch. VII. [TDPQ, 2009]
*CC [GE]
Quattro (qualità) illimitate
1. illimitato amore (byams pa, sscr. maitrī); 2. illimitata compassione (snying rje, karuṇā); 3. illimitata gioia (dga’ ba, muditā) e 4. illimitata equanimità (btang snyoms, upekṣa).