Atenção: provisório – em revisão
संतान, तन्त्र, संतति, प्रबन्ध, जाति, वंश, अन्वय
saṃtāna, tantra, saṃtati, prabandha, jāti, vaṃśa, anvaya
técnica, fio, corda, meio para alcançar dois ou mais resultados
Tantra, contínuo mental, mente
tantra, continuum, stream of being, mind stream, mind
Text based on the original purity of the nature of mind, whose fruit is the realization of that nature. The root texts of the Vajrayāna teachings. [WOMPT, 1998]
Any one of the texts on which the Diamond Vehicle teachings are based. They reveal the continuity between the original purity of the nature of mind and the result of the path, which is the realization of that nature. [TLWF, 2011] [ZT, 2006][NS]
lit. “continuity,” also translated as stream of being, mind, continuum, being. This term denotes that aspect of an individual that continues from one moment to the next and from one lifetime to the next, and which therefore includes the individual’s stock of positive and negative deeds, and positive and negative habitual tendencies.[TLWF, 2011]
lit. continuum. The texts of Vajrayāna Buddhism expounding the natural purity of the mind. The Nyingma school classifies the tantras into outer tantras (Kriya, Upa, and Yoga) and inner tantras (Mahāyoga, Anuyoga, and Atiyoga). The Sarma, or New Translation, tradition uses another method, dividing the tantras into four classes: Kriya, Upa, Yogatantra, and Anuttaratantra. [TPQ, 2010][CMH, 2001]
A term with many levels of meaning. Here it mainly refers to the esoteric texts of Vajrayana Buddhism expounding the natural purity of the mind. [LLB, 2002]
The texts of Vajrayana Buddhism expounding the natural purity of the mind. See also agama. [WL, 2012]
Lit., “continuity” or “continuum.” Also translated as “stream of being,” or simply “mind.” This term denotes that aspect of an individual that continues from one moment to the next and from one lifetime to the next, and which therefore includes the individual’s stock of positive and negative deeds along with their positive and negative habitual tendencies. [OMS, 2018][NS]
See stream of being. [NS]
tantra, contínuo mental, mente
Texto basado en la pureza original de la naturaleza de la mente; el fruto de la práctica de estos textos es la realización de esa naturaleza. Los textos raíces de las enseñanzas del Vajrayāna.[PMP, 2002]
tantra, continuum*, courant de conscience*, série psychique*, continuum mental*
voie dont l'enseignement est fondé sur la « pureté primordiale » de la base (la nature ultime de notre esprit) et dont le fruit est la réalisation de cette base elle-même ; également, texte fondamental du Véhicule de Diamant. [SAYT, 2014] [CGP, 1997]
textes du Véhicule de Diamant exposant la pureté naturelle de l’esprit. L’école nyingmapa classe les tantras en tantras extérieurs (Kriya, Upa et Yoga) et tantras intérieurs (Mahayoga, Anuyoga et Atiyoga). La tradition sarmapa emploie une autre méthode, qui divise les tantras en quatre classes : Kriyayoga, Charyayoga, Yoga et Anuttarayoga. [PIE, 2002]
texte du Véhicule de Diamant qui expose la pureté naturelle de l'esprit. Les Nyingmapas classent les tantras en « extérieurs » (Kriyâ, Upa et Yoga) et « intérieurs » (Mahâyoga, Anuyoga et Atiyoga). Les Sarmapas, adeptes de la Nouvelle Traduction, les divisent en quatre classes : Kriyâ, Caryâ, Yoga et Anuttarayoga. [TDPQ, 2009]
*CC [LD, 2017][RL, 2010][GE][G-T]
tantra, continuum
Testi fondamentali del Veicolo Adamantino che trattano dell’originale purezza della natura della mente, la pratica dei quali porta alla realizzazione di tale natura. [WOMPT]
Lett. continuum. Testi del Buddhismo Vajrayana che espongono la purezza della natura della mente. La scuola Nyigma li classifica in tantra esteriori (Krya, Upa e Yoga) e tantra interiori (Mahāyoga, Anuyoga, e Atiyoga). La Sarma, fondata sulle Nuove traduzioni, li divide invece in quattro categorie: Kryia, Upa, Yogatantra e Anuttaratantra.[TPQ, 2010]