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o rgyan


 Atenção: provisório – em revisão 





Oddiyana; Uddiyana

Uma terra de ḍākinīs, berço de Padmasambhava e Garab Dorje. É uma região da Índia antiga que, segundo certas autoridades, corresponde ao Vale de Swat entre o Afeganistão e Kashmir. Quando falamos do "Precioso Mestre de Oḍḍiyāna" ou do "Segundo Buda de Oḍḍiyāna", referimo-nos sempre a Padmasambhava.


Oddiyana; Uddiyana

A ḍākinī land which is the birthplace of Padmasambhava. According to some it is located between present-day Afghanistan and Kashmir. The use of “Oḍḍiyāna” coupled with titles such as “Great One,” “Second Buddha,” and “Great Master” invariably refers to Padmasambhava. [TLWF 2011][WOMPT, 1998]

Also called Orgyen or Urgyen, a region in ancient India corresponding, according to some authorities, to the valley of Swat between Afghanistan and Kashmir. Oddiyana was the birthplace of Guru Padmasambhava and Garab Dorje, the first human master of the Dzogchen tradition. [TPQ, 2010]

Also called Oddiyana, a country to the northwest of ancient India, nowadays identified as the Swat Valley in Kashmir. It was here that Guru Padmasambhava was born. [LLB 2002]

According to modern scholarship, an ancient kingdom located in the Swat valley, lying in what is now the northwest frontier province of Pakistan. It was renowned as the cradle of the Secret Mantra teachings and is often referred to in Tibetan literature as the land of dakinis (mkha’ ‘gro gling). [WL, 2012]

The Tibetan form of Oddiyana. See Oddiyana. [WL, 2012]


Oḍḍiyāna; Uddiyana

Una tierra de ḍākinīs. Según algunos está situada entre el actual Afghanistán y Cachemira. Es el lugar de nacimiento de Padmasambhava y también de Garab Dorje. Oḍḍiyāna se suele usar con títulos como "el Gran Guru", "el Segundo Buda", "el Gran Maestro", y se refieren siempre a Padmasambhava.[PMP, 2002]



contrée bénie par les dakinis, où naquit Padmasambhava, aussi appelé Gourou Rinpoché, et que certains pensent être l’actuelle vallée de la Swat, au Pakistan. [PA, 2008]

pays de dakinis où naquit Padmasambhava ; probable-ment situé dans l’actuelle vallée de Swat, au nord du Pakistan. [CGP, 1997]

ancien pays du nord-ouest de l'Inde, correspondant probablement à la vallée de la Swât au Pakistan, d'où sont originaires de nombreux grands maîtres bouddhistes, notamment Garab Dorjé, le premier maître humain de la tradition dzogchen, et Gourou Rinpoché (Padmasambhava). [TDPQ, 2009]



Anche Orgyen o Urgyen, terra di ḍākinī e luogo natale di Padmasambhava e di Garab Dorje, è una regione dell’antica India che, secondo certe autorità, corrisponderebbe alla valle dello Swat, tra l’Afghanistan e il Kashmir. Quando si parla del Prezioso Maestro di Oḍḍiyāna o del Secondo Buddha di Oḍḍiyāna ci si riferisce sempre a Padmasambhava.

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