gzhi lam 'bras bu
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
base, caminho e fruto
ground, path and fruit.
Each Buddhist tenet system asserts its own approach to reality in terms of ground, path, and fruit. Generally speaking, the ground refers to a specific view of reality, the path comprises the meditation performed within the framework of that view, and the fruit is the final result of the practice. [TPQ 2010]
The threefold structure according to which each Buddhist system expresses its overall view. Generally speaking, the ground is the true status of phenomena (as this is conceived in a given system), the path consists of the meditation performed within the framework of that view, and the fruit is the final result of the practice. In the tantra system, these are understood as forming a single continuum (this is the literal meaning of the word tantra). In other words, the qualities of the path and fruit are already present, implicit in the ground. [WL 2012]
base, voie et fruit
chaque système philosophique bouddhiste a une approche de la réalité différente qu'elle divise en « base, voie et fruit ». D'une manière générale, la base désigne une vision particulière du réel, la voie comprend les méditations pratiquées dans le cadre de cette vue, et le fruit dénomme le résultat de la pratique. [TDPQ, 2009]