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དཔལ་སྤྲུལ་ཨོ་རྒྱན་འཇིགས་མེད་ཆོས་ཀྱི་དབང་པོ, འཇིགས་མེད་ཆོས་ཀྱི་དབང་པོ, དཔལ་སྤྲུལ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ

dpal sprul o rgyan 'jigs med chos kyi dbang po, 'jigs med chos kyi dbang po, dpal sprul rin po che

gloriosa emanação de Oḍḍiyāna intrépido poder do Dharma

 Atenção: provisório – em revisão 



Patrul Rinpoche, Orgyen Jigme Chökyi Wangpo

(1808-1887): Mestre altamente realizado, do Tibete Oriental, seguidor da tradição Nyingma e promotor do movimento rimé ou não-sectário. Autor de numerosas obras, entre as quais a mais célebre talvez seja o "kun bzang bla ma'i zhal lung" (ver nota 8). Ficou ainda conhecido pela sua enorme compaixão e pela simplicidade com que vivia.
Um dos principais detentores dos ensinamentos de Longchen Nyingtik e expoente do Bodhicaryāvatāra (A Via do Bodhisattva) de Śāntideva, famoso pelo seu estilo de vida simples. Ele é frequentemente considerado a emanação da fala de Jigme Lingpa.


Patrul Rinpoche, Orgyen Jigme Chökyi Wangpo

(1808-1887). A major holder of the Longchen Nyingtik teachings and exponent of Shantideva’s Bodhicharyavatara (The Way of the Bodhisattva), famed for his simple lifestyle and as the author of The Words of My Perfect Teacher. He is often considered to be the emanation of Jigme Lingpa’s speech. [ZT 2006]

(1808–1887). A highly accomplished master of the Nyingma tradition, from eastern Tibet. He was famous for his nonsectarian approach and extraordinary simplicity of life. He was a prolific writer and is well known in the West as the author of The Words of My Perfect Teacher, an introduction to the practice of the Vajrayana. [TPQ, 2010]



Orgyen Jigmé Tcheukyi Wangpo

plus connu sous le nom de Patrul Rinpoché (1808-1887). Il étudia auprès de nombreux maîtres et devint un grand maître lui-même, célèbre pour l'intransigeante simplicité de son mode de vie. Il déclina toute espèce d'honneur ou de position dans la hiérarchie monastique et passa sa vie à errer de lieu en lieu comme un mendiant. D'entre ses nombreuses compositions littéraires, on retiendra Le Chemin de la Grande Perfection, le Schéma structurel du Trésor de Précieuses Qualités et L'Explication des points difficiles du même texte. Voir Tulku Thondup, Les Maîtres de la Grande Perfection, chap. xIx, p. 231 et suivantes. [TDPQ-2, ----]


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