དགེ་བསྙེན, དགེ་བསྙེན་མ
dge bsnyen, dge bsnyen ma
que se aproxima à virtude
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
उपासक (म्), उपासिका (f), उपासकः
upāsaka (m), upāsikā (f), upāsakaḥ
praticante laico
praticante laico, upāsaka (m), upāsikā (f)
upasaka, lay buddhist, householder
A layman who has taken refuge in the Three Jewels and keeps one or more of the basic precepts.
[TLWF, 2011] [NLF, 2005]
A Buddhist lay practitioner who has taken some or all of the precepts of the upāsaka vow. [TPQ, 2010]
The most basic form of Buddhist ordination, the so-called lay person's vow. Anyone who has taken the refuge vow is an upasaka, though the term is often understood to imply someone who has taken the five basic vows of refraining from taking life, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct, lying, and the consumption of intoxicants. [GWPT, 2004]
practicante laico, upāsaka (m), upāsikā (f)
Un laico que ha tomado refugio y además puede haber tomado los cinco votos siguientes o sólo alguno de ellos: no matar, no mentir, no robar, no tener una conducta sexual incorrecta y no tomar intoxicantes. En algunos casos en vez del voto de no tener una conducta sexual incorrecta se puede tomar el del celibato. Estos votos son una de las ocho clases de votos de prātimokṣa.[PMP, 2002]
Dévot laïc, upâsaka
personne qui a pris les voeux du refuge et cinq autres voeux (ou seulement quelques-uns d’entre eux) : ne pas tuer, ne pas mentir, ne pas voler, ne pas pratiquer l’inconduite sexuelle et ne pas prendre d’intoxicants. Les voeux de dévot laïc représentent l’un des huit catégories de voeux de délivrance individuelle. [CGP, 1997]
adepte laïc respectant un certain nombre de voeux. [TDPQ, 2009]
praticante laico/a
Un(a) praticante che ha preso i voti di rifugio e cinque altri voti (o solo alcuni di essi): non uccidere, non mentire, non rubare, non indulgere in una condotta sessuale scorretta e non assumere sostanze intossicanti. È uno degli otto livelli dei voti di prātimokṣa.