dag pa gnyis
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
pureza dupla, duas purezas
twofold purity
(1) The original natural purity of the mind, present in the minds of all sentient beings (rang bzhin ye dag), and (2) the purity from all adventitious stains (glo bur 'phral dag), which is the result of the path and is the preserve of buddhas only. [TPQ, 2010]
Original purity (rang bzhin ye dag), which is the buddha nature present in all beings, and the purity from all adventitious stains (Tib. blo bur ’phral dag), which is the result of practicing the path. Only a buddha has this second purity. [NS]
doble pureza
La pureza original (rang bzhin ye dag), que es la naturaleza búdica en todos los seres, y la pureza, conseguida con la práctica, de todas las manchas adventicias (glo bur phral dag). Sólo un buda tiene también esta segunda pureza.[PMP, 2002]
double pureté, deux puretés
la pureté naturelle originelle (rang zhin ye dag ) et la pureté de toute souillure adventice, momentanée (blo bur phral dag ). Tous les êtres possèdent la première, mais seuls les bouddhas possèdent aussi la seconde. [CGP, 1997]
1) la pureté primordiale naturelle de l'esprit de chaque être (rang bzhin ye dag) et 2) la pureté qui résulte de l'élimination des souillures adventices (glo bur 'phral dag), laquelle appartient exclusivement aux bouddhas. [TDPQ, 2009]
La purezza originale (rang bzhin ye dag), che è la natura di buddha propria a tutti gli esseri, e la purezza da macchie avventizie (blo bur ’phral dag), che si consegue con la pratica ed è propria ai buddha solamente.