byams pa
amor, bondade, benevolência
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
मैत्रेय; अजित; मैत्रक; मैत्री
maitreya; ajita; maitraka; maitrī
amistoso, bondoso, benevolente
O próximo buda, que será o quinto deste kalpa presente. Enquanto bodhisattva é também um dos Oito Grandes Filhos Próximos.
The Buddha to come, the fifth in this present kalpa. He is also one of the Eight Great Close Sons. [WOMPT,1998]
One of the Eight Great Close Sons who, as the future Buddha, presently resides in the Tuṣita heaven. [TLWF, 2011]
The "Loving One," one of the eight Close Sons of the Buddha and a tenth-ground Bodhisattva. He resides in the Tuṣita heaven as the Buddha's regent and will appear on earth as the next Buddha of this Fortunate Kalpa. See also Asaṅga. [TPQ, 2010]
The Buddha to come, the fifth in this present kalpa. He is one of the eight principal Bodhisattva disciples of Buddha Shakyamuni. [ZT, 2006]
Lit. the Loving One. The Bodhisattva now dwelling in heaven of Tushita who will become the fifth Buddha of this-age. [LLB, 2002]
lit. the loving one. The tenth-ground Bodhisattva now residing as the Buddha’s regent in the heaven of Tushita. When the age of Shakyamuni ends, Maitreya will manifest in the world as the fifth Buddha of this fortunate kalpa. See also fortunate kalpa. [WL, 2012]
One of the Buddha’s eight closest bodhisattva disciples. As the future Buddha, he presently resides in the Tuṣita heaven.[OMS, 2018]
“Love.” One of the Eight Great Close Sons (the Buddha’s eight closest bodhisattva disciples). As the future Buddha, he presently resides in the Tuṣhita heaven. [NS]
El próximo buda, el quinto de la kalpa actual. Él es unos de los Ocho Grandes Hijos Cercanos.
Maitreya, bienveillance, amour
Le bouddha prochain, cinquième des Mille Bouddhas de notre ère cosmique appelée Bonne Ere. [M, 2003]
le bouddha à venir, le cinquième de ce kalpa. [CGP, 1997]
l'un des quatre immensurables. Œuvrer au bonheur de tous et le protéger. [SEDA, 2019]
désir de rendre heureux les autres. Amour immensurable.
l'un des huit fils proches du Bouddha. Ce bodhisattva de la dixième terre demeure dans le ciel des dieux Réjouis, Tushita, au titre de régent du Bouddha, auquel il succédera en tant que cinquième bouddha de notre Bonne Ère. C'est lui qui enseigna et transmit à Asanga les fameux Cinq Traités qui combinent les vues de la Voie médiane et de la Pratique contemplative (Yogâcâra). [TDPQ, 2009]
Il buddha che verrà, il quinto del presente kalpa e anche uno degli Otto Figli Prossimi.