zag bcas
dotado de causa de perda/queda
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
contaminado, maculado (pelos 5 venenos)
Uma ação realizada com os três conceitos de sujeito, objeto e ação e, portanto, maculada por emoções negativas, que tem como resultado a existência cíclica.
tainted (action, bliss, etc.), contaminated, defiled
An action done with the three concepts of subject, object and action. [WOMPT, 1998]
An action performed with the three concepts of subject, object, and action, and therefore tainted by afflictive emotions, so that it results in cyclic existence. [TLWF, 2011]
Lit. “possessing the cause of downfall (zag pa)”: tainted by afflictive emotions, or by concepts of subject, object, and action. [NLF, 2005]
Descriptive of actions or states in which the three concepts of subject, object, and action are present, and which are therefore tainted by defilements, so that they cannot lead to liberation from saṃsāra.[OMS, 2018]
A characteristic of actions or states in which the three concepts of subject, object, and action are present and that are, therefore, tainted by defilements, so that they cannot transcend cyclic existence. [NS]
contaminado, manchado (por los cinco venenos)
Una acción realizada con los tres conceptos de sujeto, objeto y acción: está, por lo tanto, contaminada por emociones aflictivas, y tiene como resultado la existencia cíclica.
Lit. “Que posee la causa de la caída (zag pa)”: contaminado por emociones aflictivas, o por los conceptos de sujeto, objeto y acción.
contaminé*, pollué, souillé*, Pollué (acte, agrégat), Imparfait (acte, mérite)
mêlé d'émotions négatives ou favorisant leur production. [POL, 1999]
teinté par la présence d’émotion, ou de poison mental. Voir note 244. [CGP, 1997]
*CC [SPB, 2020]
macchiato, insudiciato, non immune da pecche, contaminato, lordato