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mantra, encantamento

 Atenção: provisório – em revisão 




o que protege a mente



Sílabas ou fórmulas recitadas juntamente com visualizações apropriadas no curso da prática meditativa. Trata-se da contração de "manas+traya", isto é, "o que protege a mente". Manifestação da iluminação suprema sob a forma de sons. Sílabas que, nas sādhanas do Mantrayāna Secreto, protegem a mente do praticante das perceções comuns e invocam as deidades de sabedoria, sendo consideradas como suas manifestações ao nível do som e da fala.



Manifestation of supreme enlightenment in the form of sounds. Syllables which, in the sadhanas of the Secret Mantrayana, protect the mind of the practitioner from ordinary perceptions and invoke the wisdom deities. [ZT, 2006]

A manifestation of supreme enlightenment in the form of sound: a series of syllables that, in the sadhanas of the Secret Mantra Vehicle, protect the mind of the practitioner from ordinary perceptions and invoke the wisdom deities. The Sanskrit word is explained as meaning “that which liberates the mind.” [TLWF, 2011][NS]

Syllables or formulas which, when recited with appropriate visualizations and so on, protect the mind of the practitioner from ordinary perceptions. They are invocations of, and manifestations of, the yidam deity in the form of sound. [TPQ, 2010] [WL, 2012]

Syllables or formulas which, recited in the context of sadhanas, visualizations, etc., protect the mind of the practitioner from ordinary perceptions. Mantras are also invocations of, and manifestations of, the yidam in the form of sound. There are three kinds of mantra: (1) vidya-mantras (rig sngags), associated with the outer class of tantras, are the essence of skilful means; (2) dharani-mantras (gzungs) are the essence of transcendent wisdom and derive from the teachings of the Prajñaparamita; (3) secret mantras (gsang sngags) related to the Mahayoga, Anuyoga, and Atiyoga. [LLB, 2002]

Formula consisting of words or syllables associated with specific meditational deities, the recitation of which forms an essential part of tantric meditation. [TEPTE, 1996]

(man : esprit, tra : protège), syllabes qui, dans les pratiques du Véhicule de Diamant, protègent l’esprit du pratiquant contre perceptions ordinaires, invoquent le yidam et les divinités qui l’entourent, expriment diverses énergies transmutatrices au moyen du son. Manifestation de l’Éveil suprême sous forme de sons. [CGP, 1997]

In Buddhism, a manifestation of supreme enlightenment in the form of sound: a series of syllables that, especially in the sādhanas of the Secret Mantrayāna, protect the mind of the practitioner from ordinary perceptions and invoke the wisdom deities. Mantras are also used in non-Buddhist spiritual practices and as spells in black magic.[OMS, 2018]



Sílabas o fórmulas recitadas junto con visualizaciones apropiadas en el curso de la práctica de la meditación. Mantra es la contracción de "manas+traya", es decir, "lo que protege la mente". Manifestación de la iluminación suprema en forma de sonido. Sílabas que, en las sādhanas del Mantrayāna Secreto, protegen la mente del practicante de las percepciones ordinarias e invocan a las deidades de sabiduría.


mantra , formule*

syllabes qui, dans les pratiques du Véhicule adamantin, protègent l’esprit du pratiquant contre les perceptions ordinaires, invoquent le yidam et les divinités qui l’entourent, expriment diverses énergies transmutatrices au moyen du son. Manifestation de l’Éveil suprême sous forme de sons. [SAYT, 2014]

syllabe ou ensemble de syllabes destinées à être récitées à voix haute ou mentalement. La racine sanskrite man désigne l’esprit et la terminaison tra signifie « protège ». Un mantra est une formule qui, dans les pratiques du Véhicule de Diamant, « protège l’esprit » de celui qui le récite contre l’attachement aux perceptions ordinaires. [PA, 2008]

syllabes ou formules qui, récitées avec les visualisations nécessaires, etc., protègent l'esprit du pratiquant contre les perceptions ordinaires. Ce sont des invocations et des manifestations de la déité yidam sous forme de son. Avec une majuscule, désigne la voie des tantras. [TDPQ, 2009]

*CC [LD, 2017][RL, 2010][G-T]



Sillabe e formule sacre che, recitate nel modo dovuto, preservano la mente del praticante dalle comuni percezioni. Sono al tempo stesso invocazioni della deità e manifestazioni della stessa sotto forma di suono.

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