sku gsum
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
três kāyas ou corpos
Os três aspectos da budeidade: o dharmakāya, corpo absoluto; sambhogakāya, o corpo da fruição completa; e nirmāṇakāya, o corpo de manifestação.
three kāyas or three bodies, three buddha bodies
The three aspects of Buddhahood: dharmakāya, sambhogakāya and nirmāṇakāya.[WOMPT, 1998] [ZT, 2006]
The three aspects of Buddhahood: the absolute body, body of perfect enjoyment, and body of manifestation. [TLWF, 2011]
See Five Bodies. [TPQ, 2010]
According to the teachings of the Mahayana, the transcendent reality of perfect Buddhahood is described in terms of two, three, four, or five bodies or kayas. The two bodies, in the first case, are the Dharmakaya, the Body of Truth, and the Rupakaya, the Body of Form. The Dharmakaya is the absolute, "emptiness" aspect of Buddhahood. The Rupakaya is subdivided (thus giving rise to the three bodies mentioned above) into the Sambhogakaya, the Body of Perfect Enjoyment, and the Nirmanakaya, the Body of Manifestation. The Sambhogakaya, the spontaneous clarity aspect of Buddhahood, is perceptible only to highly realized beings. The Nirmanakaya, compassion aspect, is perceptible to ordinary beings and appears in our world most often, though not necessarily, in human form. The system of four bodies consists of the three just referred to, together with the Svabhavikakaya, the Body of Suchness, which refers to the union of the previous three. Occasionally there is mention of five bodies-the three kayas together with the immutable diamond or vajra body (the indestructible aspect of Buddhahood) and the Body of Complete Enlightenment (aspect of qualities). [LLB, 2002]
The three aspects of buddhahood: the body of truth, body of perfect enjoyment, and body of manifestation.[OMS, 2018][NS]
tres kāyas o cuerpos
Los tres cuerpos, tres aspectos de la budeidad: dharmakāya, sambhogakāya y nirmāṇakāya.
trois Kayas, trois Corps
le dharmakaya (chos kyi sku) ou Corps absolu ; le sambhogakaya (longs spyod kyi sku) ou Corps de jouissance et le nirmanakaya (sprul pa’i sku) ou Corps de manifestation. Ils correspondent respectivement aux aspects de vacuité, de luminosité et de compassion infinie d’un Bouddha. Ils représentent donc trois aspects d’une même nature et ne sont pas séparés dans l’unité (zung ‘jug) des apparences et de la vacuité (snang stong). [SAYT, 2014]
trois Kayas, voir Kayas. [SAYT, 2014]
trois aspects de l'Éveil ultime, ou bouddhéité ; trois « formes » que revêtent les bouddhas : le corps absolu (dharmakaya), le corps de jouissance (sambhogakaya), et le corps d'apparition (nirmanakaya). Le premier est son aspect de vacuité, ineffable, imperceptible aux autres êtres, et les deux autres, appelés « corps de forme », sont la manifestation spontanée du corps absolu se portant au secours des êtres. [POL, 1999]
aspects de la bouddhéité. On parle plus souvent de trois corps : le corps absolu, le corps de jouissance et le corps d’apparition. Plus rarement, de cinq : les trois déjà cités, auxquels s’ajoutent le corps de diamant immuable (mi ’gyur rdo rje’i sku , vajrakáya) et le corps d’Éveil total (mngon par byang chub pa’i sku , abhisambodhikáya). Les cinq corps sont parfois synonymes de corps, parole, esprit, qualités et activité. [CGP, 1997]
corps absolu, corps de jouissance et corps de manifestation (ou d'apparition). [SEDA, 2019]
voir Cinq corps. [TDPQ, 2009]
les trois aspects ou dimensions d'un bouddha : le corps absolu (dharmakaya), le corps de jouissance (sambhogakaya) et le corps d'apparition ou de manifestation (nirmanakaya). [AGP-1, 2017]
*CC [RL, 2010][G-T]
tre kāya
Il dharmakāya, il sambhogakāya e il nirmāṇakāya, i tre aspetti della buddhità. Vedi anche kāya.