rnga yab
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
चामर, चामरः
cāmara, cāmaraḥ
A palavra indiana para uma tradicional leque, abanador ou espanta moscas, tradicionalmente feito da cauda de um yak; um emblema da realeza. O nome do subcontinente do sudoeste ou ilha na cosmologia indiana. [TLWF 2011]
The Indian word for a fan or fly whisk, traditionally made from a yak’s tail; an emblem of royalty. The name of the southwestern subcontinent or island in the Indian cosmology. [TWLF, 2011]
The name of the subcontinent lying to the south and west of the continent of Jambu (our world) according to Buddhist cosmology (see Mount Meru). It is here that the Buddhafield of Guru Rinpoche is located. [LLB, 2002]
The name of a subcontinent lying to the south and west of the continent of Jambudvipa (our world) according to Buddhist cosmology. It is here that the glorious Copper-Colored Mountain, the buddhafield of Guru Padmasambhava, is located. [WL, 2012]
See Chamara. [WL, 2012]
Cámara, Chamara (champ pur / mont / continent)
l’un des huit sous-continents, à l’ouest du continent de Jambu. Là se trouve le champ pur manifesté par Padmasambhava, où il se rendit à la fin de son séjour au Tibet. [CGP, 1997]
l'un des huit sous-continents de notre monde selon la cosmologie traditionnelle et, plus particulièrement, le champ pur que Padmasambhava y manifesta et où il se rendit après son départ du Tibet. [AGP-1, 2017]
Uno degli otto subcontinenti (continenti satelliti) secondo l’antica cosmologia indiana. È il continente sud-occidentale, situato a ovest di Jambudvīpa, e il puro campo della Gloriosa Montagna Color del Rame