rigs lnga
cinco familias/ classes/ tipos
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
cinco + família/linhagem
cinco famílias de budas, cinco famílias búdicas
As famílias Buddha, Vajra, Ratna (Joia), Padma (Lótus) e Karma (Ação). As cinco famílias de budas representam a verdadeira natureza de todas as coisas. Por exemplo, os Cinco Vitoriosos são a verdadeira natureza dos cinco agregados; as suas Cinco Consortes, a verdadeira natureza dos cinco elementos; as cinco sabedorias, a verdadeira natureza dos cinco venenos, e assim por diante.
five families, five buddha families, five enlightened lineages
The Buddha, Vajra, Jewel, Lotus and Action families. The five Buddha Families represent the real nature of all things. For example, the Five Conquerors are the real nature of the five aggregates, their Five Consorts the real nature of the five elements, the five wisdoms the real nature of the five poisons, and so on. [WOMPT, 1998]
The Buddha, Vajra, Jewel, Lotus, and Action families. The five Buddha Families represent the true nature of all things. For example, the Five Conquerors are the true nature of the five aggregates, their Five Consorts the true nature of the five elements, the five wisdoms the true nature of the five poisons, and so on. [TLWF, 2011]
The five Buddha Families, namely: Tathagata, Vajra, Jewel, Lotus, and Action. These represent five aspects of Buddhahood. They are presided over by the Dhyani Buddhas, who are generally depicted in a mandala arrangement as follows: blue Vairochana in the center (Tathagata), white Vajrasattva in the east (Vajra), yellow Ratnasambhava in the south (Jewel), red Amitabha in the west (Lotus), and green Amoghasiddhi in the north (Action). [LLB, 2002]
The five lineages of Tathagata, Vajra, Jewel, Lotus, and Action. They are represented by five Buddhas (respectively, Vairochana, Akshobhya or Vajrasattva, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, and Amoghasiddhi) who constitute the five aspects of Buddhahood. They are regarded as the nature of the five aggregates, and they correspond to the five wisdoms arising when the five emotional defilements are purified and transmuted. [WL, 2012]
cinco familias de budas
Las cinco familias son Buda, Vajra (diamante), Ratna (joya), Padma (loto) y Karma (acción). Las cinco familias de budas representan la verdadera naturaleza de todas las cosas. Por ejemplo, los cinco Victoriosos son la verdadera naturaleza de los cinco agregados; sus cinco Consortes, la verdadera naturaleza de los elementos; las cinco sabidurías, la verdadera naturaleza de los cinco venenos, etc.
cinque familles de bouddha
5 familles de bouddha (kula ; rigs)
du tathāgata (Vairocana) : de zhin gshegs pa
du vajra (Akśobya) : rdo rje
du joyau (Ratnasambhava) : rin po che
du lotus (Amitābha) : pad ma
du karma (Amoghasiddhi) : las
*CC [GE]
cinque famiglie
Le famiglie del Buddha, del Vajra o del Diamante, del Gioiello o Ratna, del Fior di Loto o Padma, e dell’Azione o Karma. Le cinque Famiglie dei buddha rappresentano la vera natura di ogni cosa. Per esempio, i cinque Vittoriosi sono la vera natura dei cinque aggregati; le loro cinque Consorti la vera natura dei cinque elementi; le cinque saggezze la vera natura dei cinque veleni e così via.