རྡོ་རྗེ་སྤུན་གྲོགས , རྡོ་རྗེ་མཆེད་གྲོགས , རྡོ་རྗ ེ་སྤུན
rdo rje spun grogs , rdo rje mched grogs , rdo rje spun
diamante parente
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
irmãos e irmãs vajra
Alunos que receberam o iniciações vajrayāna juntos do mesmo mestre vajra. Trata-se da relação mais próxima de irmãos no Dharma, dado que foram iniciados na mesma maṇḍala, e têm um samaya vajra, isto é, um elo adamantino, que devem preservar.
vajra brothers and sisters, diamond brothers and sisters, vajra kindred
Students of the same teacher, or with whom one has received Vajrayāna teachings. See spiritual companions. [WOMPT, 1998] [ZT, 2006]
Spiritual brothers and sisters or fellow practitioners in the Vajrayana. The closest kinship is between those who receive the empowerment in the same mandala from the same teacher. [CMH, 2001]
Men and women who have received empowerment together from the same diamond master. [TLWF, 2011]
Spiritual brothers and sisters or fellow practitioners in the Vajrayāna. The closest kinship exists between those disciples who receive the empowerment in the same mandala from the same teacher. [TPQ, 2010]
Practitioners linked together by tantric samaya. [LLB 2002]
hermanos vajra
Discípulos del mismo maestro o aquellos con los que uno ha recibido conjuntamente enseñanzas del Vajrayāna.[PMP, 2002]
Frères et soeurs de vajra, Frères et soeurs de diamant
frères et soeurs spirituels, ou compagnons de pratique dans le Véhicule de Diamant (vajra). La parenté la plus proche revient à ceux et celles qui ont reçu une initiation du même maître dans le même mandala. [PIE, 2002]
compagnons spirituels ayant reçu ensemble des enseignements des Mantras Secrets. [CGP, 1997]
fratelli e sorelle adamantini
Studenti dello stesso maestro, o con i quali si sono ricevuti insegnamenti del veicolo adamantino.