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rdo rje 'chang

vajra + detentor

 Atenção: provisório – em revisão 




o que segura o diamante / relâmpago


vajradhara, detentor do vajra


vajradhara, vajra holder. 

“Diamond Bearer.” In the New Tradition (which follows the tantras translated and propagated in Tibet from the 10th century onward) he is the primordial Buddha, source of all the tantras. In the Ancient Tradition (which follows the teachings introduced to Tibet by the great master Padmasambhava in the 8th century), Vajradhara represents the principle of the Teacher as enlightened holder of the teachings of the Diamond Vehicle. [TLWF, 2011][NS]

Lit. “vajra holder”: in the New Tradition, he is the pri- mordial Buddha, source of all the tantras. In the Ancient Tradition, Vajradhara represents the principle of the Teacher as enlightened holder of the Vajrayana teachings. [ZT, 2006]

A Sambhogakaya form of Buddha representing the union of the five Buddha Families. Also used as a title of respect for the lama, the spiritual master. [LLB, 2002]

lit. holder of the vajra. The name of a sambhogakaya Buddha who is the union of the five enlightened lineages. Vajradhara is sometimes equated with Samantabhadra. [WL, 2012]



En la Tradición Nueva es el buda primordial, origen de todos los tantras. En la Tradición Antigua, Vajradhara representa el principio del maestro como sostenedor iluminado de las enseñanzas del Vajrayāna.[PMP, 2014]



L’absolu seigneur de toutes les familles de bouddhas. Forme que Shakyamuni peut revêtir lorsqu’il enseigne les Secrets Mantras. [M, 2003]

Dans la tradition nouvelle, il est le bouddha primordial à l’origine de la transmission des tantras. [CGP, 1997]



Secondo la nuova tradizione è il buddha primordiale all’origine di tutti i tantra. Secondo l’antica tradizione rappresenta il principio stesso del ‘maestro’, l’illuminato detentore degli insegnamenti del veicolo adamantino. Il detentore del vajra.

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