rang don dang mi ldan pa
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
No need for fine words if you have not assimilated the meaning yourself
[No need for fine words if you have not assimilated the meaning yourself.]
Matthieu: H.H. thought the mi was unnecessary - should therefore read rang don dang ldan pa'i, but yesterday when I checked he thought it can be explained in both ways: either: One doesn't need to say nice things if one has selfish motivation. or: No need to say nice words if one has not realised the meaning, or If one has not assimliated the meaning by oneself, just to say nice things (e.g. ‘Everything is void,' or ‘Everything is awareness.') - this is something we do not need. Note that both pechas have mi ldan pa. I have opted to keep the second translation since it fits the Note better and to incorporate the first in a note.
Note 51. “Fine words” here means saying things like, “Everything is empty, everything is awareness,” without having true realization. According to Khyentse Rinpoche's commentary this line in the root text can also be translated: “No point in sweet words if you are self-centered.”
[ZT, 2006, translator's notes]