ཨོ་རྒྱན་པད་མ་འབྱུང་གནས, པདམ་འབྱུང་གནས, པད་མ་ འབྱུང་གནས
o rgyan pad ma 'byung gnas, padma 'byung gnas, pad ma 'byung gnas
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
Padmasambhava de Oḍḍiyāna
O mestre nascido de um lótus em Oḍḍiyāna, muitas vezes chamado de Guru Rinpoche. Durante o reinado do Rei Trisong Detsen, o grande mestre subjugou as forças hostis à propagação do Budismo no Tibete, propagou os ensinamentos budistas do Vajrayāna naquele país e escondeu inúmeros tesouros espirituais para o bem das gerações futuras. Ele é venerado como o Segundo Buda. A sua vinda foi prevista pelo primeiro, Buda Śākyamuni, para dar os ensinamentos especiais de Vajrayāna.
Padmasambhava of Oḍḍiyāna
The Lotus- Born Teacher from Oddiyana, often known as Guru Rinpoche. During the reign of King Trisong Detsen in the 8th century, the Great Master subjugated the evil forces hostile to the propagation of Buddhism in Tibet, spread the Buddhist teaching of the Diamond Vehicle in that country, and hid innumerable spiritual treasures for the benefit of future generations. He is venerated as the Second Buddha whose coming was predicted by the first one, Buddha Shakyamuni, to give the special teachings of [Vajrayana]the Diamond Vehicle. [TLWF, 2011][WOMPT, 1998]
lit. lotus-born. Referred to by many other titles such as the Master of Orgyen and Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava was predicted by the Buddha Śākyamuni as the one who would propagate the teachings of the Vajrayāna. Invited to Tibet by King Trisong Detsen in the eighth century, he succeeded in definitively establishing there the Buddhist teachings of sutra and tantra. [TPQ, 2010] [CMH, 2001]
Lit., Lotus-Born. The Indian Master of the Mantras who is said to be been born miraculously, appearing in a lotus flower in the land of Orgyen. He was predicted by the Buddha Shakyamuni in several sutras and tantras. In the ninth century and at the invitation of King Trisong Detsen, he quelled the forces obstructing the spread of Buddhism in Tibet and introduced and nurtured there the teachings of the Vajrayana. Some of his other names mentioned in this text are Lotus Guru, Guru Rinpoche or Precious Guru, Precious Master, Guru Drakpo, Guru or Lord of Orgyen, Master of Orgyen, Orgyen Sambha, Guru Senge Dradok, Dorje Drolo, Padma Thodrengtsel. For the detailed story of his life, see The Lotus-Born: The Life Story of Padmasambhava, by Yeshe Tsogyal (Boston & London: Shambhala Publications, 1993)· [LLB, 2002]
The Lotus-born Teacher from Oddiyana, often known as Guru Rinpoche. During the reign of King Trisong Detsen, the great master subjugated the evil forces hostile to the propagation of Buddhism in Tibet, spread the Buddhist teaching of Vajrayana in that country, and hid innumerable spiritual treasures for the benefit of future generations. He is ven- erated as the Second Buddha, whose coming was predicted by the first one, Bud- dha Shakyamuni, to give the special teachings of Vajrayana. [ZT, 2006]
Padmasambhava de Oḍḍiyāna
El maestro nacido de un loto en Oḍḍiyāna, conocido generalmente como Guru Rinpoche. Durante el reinado del rey Trisong Detsen, el gran maestro sometió a las fuerzas hostiles a la difusión del budismo en el Tíbet, propagó las enseñanzas budistas del Vajrayāna en ese país y escondió innumerables tesoros espirituales para el beneficio de las generaciones futuras. Es venerado como el segundo Buda y su venida para dar las enseñanzas especiales de Vajrayāna fue predicha por el primero, el Buda Śākyamuni.
Padmasambhava of Oḍḍiyāna, Padmasambhava
le maître Né du Lotus venu d’Od³d³iyána. Le grand maître qui, sous le règne du roi Thrisong Detsen, subjugua les forces hostiles à la propagation du bouddhisme au Tibet, répandit les enseignements du Véhicule de Diamant dans ce pays et cacha d’innombrables trésors pour les générations futures. Il est vénéré comme le second Bouddha dont la venue fut prédite par le
premier, Śākyamuni. [CGP, 1997]
litt. «né du lotus ». Encore appelé Maître de l'Oddiyâna et Gourou Rinpoché, ce maître sublime avait été annoncé par le bouddha Shâkyamuni comme celui qui propagerait les enseignements du Véhicule de Diamant. Invité au Tibet par le roi Thrisong Détsen au VIIIe siècle, il parvint à y établir définitivement les enseignements bouddhistes des soûtras et des tantras. [TDPQ, 2009]
Padmasambhava (di Oḍḍiyāna)
Il grande maestro di Oḍḍiyāna, il Sorto dal Fior di Loto. Durante il regno del re Trisong Detsen, il grande maestro soggiogò le malevoli forze ostili alla propagazione del buddhismo in Tibet, divulgò gli insegnamenti del Vajrayāna nel paese, e nascose innumerevoli tesori spirituali a beneficio della generazioni future. Venerato come il secondo buddha, il cui avvento per la propagazione degli straordinari insegnamenti del Vajrayāna fu predetto dal Buddha Śākyamuni, in Tibet è più conosciuto come Guru Rinpoche, il Prezioso Maestro.