ན་ལེན་དྲ , ན་ལན་ཏ , ན་ལ་ཏ
na len dra , na lan ta , na la ta
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
O local de nascimento perto de Rājagṛha do discípulo de Buda Śāriputra, que muito mais tarde, a partir do tempo dos reis Gupta (século V), tornou-se um dos grandes centros de aprendizagem na Índia budista. Foi destruído por volta de 1200 d.C.
The birthplace near Rājagṛha of the Buddha's disciple Śāriputra, which much later, starting in the time of the Gupta kings (5th century), became one of the great centres of learning in Buddhist India. It was destroyed around 1200 A.D. [WOMPT, 1998] [ZT, 2006]
The famous monastic university built at the birthplace of Śāriputra some distance north of Bodhgayā in Bihar and near Rajgir or Vulture Peak where Śākyamuni Buddha expounded the sutras of the Prajñāpāramitā. The place where many of the greatest masters of the Mahāyāna lived, studied, and taught, Nālandā had a long and illustrious history. [TPQ, 2010]
One of the most important monastic universities of medieval India. It was located at the birthplace of Shariputra to the north of Bodh Gaya (in present-day Bihar), not far from Vulture Peak, where the Buddha expounded his teachings on the Perfection of Wisdom. Nalanda grew to an immense size; it was famous all over Asia and was attended and administered by many of the greatest masters of Mahayana Buddhism. Founded in the second century and destroyed by the armies of Muhammad Khalji in 1235, Nalanda existed for a thousand years. [WL, 2010]
Localidad en la India, cercana a Rājagṛha, donde nació Śāriputra. Cientos de años más tarde, a partir de la época de los reyes Gupta en el siglo V, Nālandā se convirtió en uno de los grandes centros de estudio en la India budista. La universidad de Nālandā fue destruida alrededor del año 1200 d.C.
Località situata nei pressi di Rājagṛha, in India, che vide la nascita di Śāriputra. Molto più tardi, al tempo della dinastia dei re Gupta nel V secolo, a Nālandā cominciò a svilupparsi quello che sarebbe divenuto uno dei grandi centri di studio dell’India buddhista. L’università di Nālandā fu distrutta intorno al 1200 d. C.