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མྱ་ངན་ལས་འདས་པ , མྱ་ངན་འདས , མྱང་འདས

mya ngan las 'das pa , mya ngan 'das , myang 'das

ido além do sofrimento

 Atenção: provisório – em revisão 






nirvāṇa, além do sofrimento

Literalmente em tibetano. “além do sofrimento”. Como termo geral, indica os vários níveis de iluminação alcançáveis tanto no Hīnayāna quanto no Mahāyāna; a saber: a iluminação dos śrāvakas, pratyekabuddhas e budas. No entanto, enquanto objetivo do Hīnayāna deve ser entendido como a libertação do saṃsāra, por outras palavras, este não deve ser entendido como budeidade. No Mahāyāna, a budeidade transcende completamente tanto o sofrimento do saṃsāra quanto a paz do nirvāṇa. [STLX]



The state beyond suffering. The conception of nirvāṇa differs in the Śrāvakayāna, Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna. [WOMPT, 1998]

lit. the state beyond suffering. As a blanket term, this indicates the various levels of enlightenment attainable in both the Śrāvakayāna and Mahāyāna, namely, the enlightenment of the srāvakas, pratyekabuddhas, and Buddhas. It should be noted, however, that when nirvāṇa, or enlightenment, is understood simply as emancipation from saṃsāra (the goal, in other words, of the Hīnayāna), it is not to be understood as buddhahood. As expounded in the Mahāyāna, buddhahood utterly transcends both the suffering of saṃsāra and the peace of nirvāṇa. Buddhahood is therefore referred to as "non-abiding nirvāṇa" (mi gnas myang 'das), in other words, a state that abides neither in the extreme of saṃsāra nor in that of peace. [TPQ, 2010] [CMH 2001]

While this can be loosely understood as the goal of Buddhist practice, the opposite of samsara or cyclic existence, it is important to realize that the term is understood differently by the different vehicles: the nirvana of the Basic Vehicle, the peace of cessation that an Arhat attains, is very different from a Buddha’s “non-dwelling” nirvana, the state of perfect enlightenment that transcends both samsara and nirvana. [TLWF, 2011] [ZT, 2006]

Lit. “beyond suffering”or “the transcendence of misery.”[OMS, 2018]: while this can be loosely understood as the goal of Buddhist practice, the opposite of samsara, it is important to realize that the term is understood differently by the different vehicles; the nirvana of the Basic Vehicle, the peace of cessation that an Arhat attains, is very different from a Buddha’s nirvana, the state of perfect enlightenment that transcends both samsara and nirvana. [NLF, 2005][OMS, 2018]

Lit., the state beyond suffering. This term indicates the various levels of enlightenment as set forth in both the Shravakayana and Mahayana teachings. [LLB, 2002]

The Tibetan translation of this Sanskrit word means "gone beyond suffering" and indicates the various levels of enlightenment gained according to the practice of the Shravakayana or Mahayana. [TEPTE, 1996]

Lit., “beyond suffering” or “the transcendence of misery.” While this can be loosely understood as the goal of Buddhist practice, the opposite of saṃsāra, or cyclic existence, it is important to realize that the term is understood differently by the different vehicles: the nirvāṇa of the Basic Vehicle, the peace of cessation that an arhat attains, is very different from a buddha’s “nondwelling” nirvāṇa, the state of perfect enlightenment that transcends both saṃsāra and nirvāṇa. Moreover, nirvāṇa in a Buddhist sense should never be understood as simply being a state of eternal happiness, as is the case for some non-Buddhist spiritual paths. [NS]



Lit. "más allá del sufrimiento". En general nirvāṇa indica el nivel de iluminación alcanzado en los diferentes vehículos y es, por tanto, diferente para los śrāvakas, los pratyekabuddhas y los budas. El objetivo del Hīnayāna es la liberación del saṃsāra que no debe entenderse como la budeidad. En el Mahāyāna la budeidad trasciende tanto el sufrimiento del saṃsāra como la paz del nirvāṇa.


passer au-delà de la souffrance, nirvana, outre-souffrance, paix*, au-delà des peines*, au-delà de la souffrance

désigne plusieurs conceptions ou niveaux d'Éveil selon que l'on se place du point de vue du Petit Véhicule, du Grand Véhicule ou du Véhicule adamantin. [SAYT, 2014] [CGP, 1997]

La cessation permanente de la souffrance et de ses causes. Ce terme revêt différents sens selon les différents véhicules. [POL, 1999]

litt. « au-delà de la souffrance ». D’une façon tout à fait générale, le terme désigne les différents niveaux d’éveil que l'on peut atteindre dans le Véhicule des Auditeurs et dans le Grand Véhicule, autrement dit l’éveil des auditeurs, des bouddha-par-soi et des bouddhas. On notera toutefois que lorsqu’on ne voit dans le nirvana ou l’Eveil qu’une simple délivrance du samsâra (le but, en d’autres termes, du Véhicule Fondamental), on ne peut pas parler de bouddhéité. Dans le Grand Véhicule, la bouddhéité transcende tant la souffrance du samsâra que la paix du nirvana. La bouddhéité est alors désignée par l’expression « nirvana sans fixation » (mi gnas myang ‘das), un état qui ne se fige ni dans l’extrême du samsara, ni dans l’extrême de la paix. [PIE, 2002]

passer dans l’état qui suit la cessation ; la délivrance du cycle des existences, au-delà de l’être et du non-être. [SC, 2003]

traduction littérale de mya ngan las ’das pa ou myang ’das , nirvāṇa. [CGP, 1997]

extinction dans la paix [SEDA, 2019]

(passage) outre-souffrance, au-delà de la souffrance. [TDPQ, 2009]

*CC [LD, 2017][RL, 2010][G-T]



Lett. ‘l’aldilà dalla sofferenza’. Benché generalmente venga inteso come la finalità della pratica del cammino buddhista e opposto del saṃsāra, è importante sapere che il termine indica i diversi livelli di illuminazione. Il nirvaṇa del veicolo di base (Hīnayāna) è la pace della cessazione (del saṃsāra) e il conseguimento degli arhat, ma non ancora la buddhità. In base al grande veicolo (Mahāyāna), la buddhità trascende infatti tanto il saṃsāra quanto il nirvaṇa. Per questo ci si riferisce a essa come al nirvaṇa ‘che non dimora’, né nella sofferenza del saṃsāra né nella pace del nirvaṇa.

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