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 Atenção: provisório – em revisão 




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As palavras do Buda, transmitidas e transcritas, que deram origem ao cânone budista. É também uma das secções do Tripiṭaka. [STLX]



(1) A scripture containing the teachings of the Buddha; (2) the Sutra-pitaka (mdo sde), the one of the three baskets that deals with meditation. [TLWF, 2011]

A Buddhist scripture, a transcribed discourse of the Buddha. There are Hīnayāna sutras and Mahāyāna sutras (as distinct from the tantras). Of the Mahāyāna sutras, some are categorized as being of expedient meaning (drang don) and their purpose, as the Akshayamatiniratsha-sutra explains, is to lead disciples onto the path. Other Mahāyāna sutras are classified as being of definitive meaning (nges don) and introduce the hearers directly to the Buddha's wisdom. [TPQ, 2010]

(1) A scripture containing the teachings of the Buddha; (2) the Sutrapitaka (mdo sde), the one of the Three Pitakas that deals with meditation. [NLF, 2005] [ZT, ,2006]

Buddhist scripture, a transcribed discourse of the Buddha. There are Mahayana sutras and Hinayana or Shravakayana sutras.[LLB 2002] (which are distinct from the tantras). [CMH, 2001]

A scripture containing teachings given by the Buddha or by one of his disciples inspired by the Buddha.[OMS, 2018][NS]



Las palabras del Buda, transmitidas y transcritas, que dieron origen al canon budista. También es una de las secciones de Tripiṭaka. [STLX]


soutra, sūtra*, discours*, soûtra

texte bouddhique, discours transcrit du Bouddha. On distingue les soutras du Véhicule Fondamental et ceux du Grand Véhicule, qui tous sont distincts des tantras. [PIE, 2002]

discours prononcés par le Bouddha ou par ses disciples à sa demande. [SC, 2003]

texte concis ; discours du Bouddha ; les Soutras constituent l’une des Trois Corbeilles. [CGP, 1997]

texte rapportant la parole du Bouddha. [SEDA, 2019]

transcription d'un discours du Bouddha. Les soûtras du Petit et du Grand Véhicules se distinguent des tantras. Les soûtras du Grand Véhicule dits « de sens provisoire » (drang don/ neyârtha) sont destinés à amener les diciples sur la voie. Les soûtras « de sens définitif » (nges don/nitârtha) présentent directement la sagesse du Bouddha. [TDPQ, 2009]

*CC [LD, 2017][RL, 2010][G-T]



Testo conciso che riporta la parola del Buddha. Anche uno dei tre Canestri o Tripiṭaka.

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