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Atenção: provisório – em revisão
मन्दारवा, मन्दार
mandāravā, mandāra
Uma ḍākinī, filha do Rei de Zahor, na Índia. Uma das cinco principais consortes de Padmasambhava e um das principais detentoras dos seus ensinamentos.
A ḍākinī, daughter of the King of Zahor, in India. One of the five principal disciples and consorts of Padmasambhava and one of the main holders of his teaching. [WOMPT, 1998][TLWF, 2011]
An Indian princess, the daughter of the king of Sahor, Mandarava became the disciple and spiritual consort of Guru Padmasambhava. Her father was outraged and condemned both ofthem to be burned to death. While they were on the blazing pyre, Guru Padmasambhava miraculously transformed it into a lotus pool (now renowned as the lake Tsopema at Rewalsar in India). This convinced the king of Padmasambhava's great wisdom and power, and he requested teachings and allowed his daughter the freedom to pursue her spiritual destiny. Mandarava went with Guru Padmasambhava as his consort to the great cave of Maratika (now in Nepalese territory) where they actualized the state of vidhyadhara of immortality. Mandarava remained in India but visited Tibet several times. [LLB, 2002]
Una ḍākinī, hija del rey de Zahor, en India. Una de las cinco principales discípulas y consortes de Padmasambhava y una de las principales detentoras de sus enseñanzas.
Mandāravā, māndāra
ḍākinī, fille du roi du Zahor, en Inde, l’une des cinq épouses mystiques de Padmasambhava. [CGP, 1997]
« Arbre corail, Erythrina indica (l'un des arbres célestes) ; fleur de l'arbre corail » (Dictionnaire sanskrit-français). [SEDA, 2019]
Una ḍākinī figlia del re dello Zahor, in India. Una delle cinque principali discepole e consorti di Padmasambhava, e una delle principali detentrici dei suoi insegnamenti.