Atenção: provisório – em revisão
मार्ग, पथ
mārga, patha
caminho, via
Progress toward enlightenment is described, in both the Mahāyāna and Hīnayāna, in terms of the five paths of accumulation, joining, seeing, meditation, and no more learning. The first four constitute the path of learning (slob pa'i lam); the fifth one, the path of no more learning (mi slob pa'i lam), is buddhahood. The paths of seeing and meditation are also termed "noble path." [TPQ, 2010]
In both the Mahayana and Hinayana (though differently in each case), progress towards enlightenment is described in terms of five paths or degrees of attainment. The paths are called, progressively, Accumulation, Joining, Seeing, Meditation, and No More Learning. Bodhisattvas on the Mahayana paths of Accumulation and Joining are referred to as "ordinary" or "mundane" since their practice has not yet brought them beyond samsara. Those on the levels of the Mahayana Path of Seeing and Meditation (in which emptiness is directly perceived) are called "noble" or "superior," i.e., Aryas. See also grounds [LLB, 2002]
voie, chemin*
la transformation spirituelle qui permet de se libérer du cycle des existences puis d'atteindre l'état de Bouddha. [SAYT, 2014]
pratique, pratique progressive (T lam gyi rim pa, lam rim). Le mot chinois « voie » (le « Tao ») désigne aussi l'Éveil ; c'est une des traductions du ssk. bodhi. [SEDA, 2019]
pratique effective des enseignements dont la progression suit « cinq voies » – d'accumulation, de jonction, de vision, de méditation et du non-apprendre. Les quatre premières voies constituent la voie d'apprentissage (slob pa'i lam) ; la cinquième, la voie sans apprentissage (mi slob pa'i lam), désigne la bouddhéité. Les voies de vision et de méditation portent aussi le nom de « voie sublime » ou « voie des êtres sublimes » ('phags lam). Voir Cinq voies. [TDPQ, 2009]
*CC [SPB, 2020][GE]