klong chen rab 'byams pa dri med 'od zer
grande vastidão infinita luz imaculada
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
Longchenpa, Longchen Rabjampa Drime Özer
(1308–1363): Künkhyen Longchenpa, ou o Omnisciente Longchenpa, considerado um dos mestres e eruditos mais realizados da tradição Nyingma, cuja relevância para os ensinamentos foi incomparável, foi autor de mais de 250 tratados cobrindo toda a teoria e prática budista, desde as bases até à Grande Perfeição, da qual foi um dos maiores exponentes. Entre os seus textos que chegaram até nós estão os célebres Sete Tesouros (mdzod bdun), o Nyingtik Yabzhi (snying thig ya bzhi), a Triologia do Repouso (ngal gso skor gsum), a Triologia da Libertação Natural (rang grol skor gsum), a Triologia do Dissipar das Trevas (mun sel skor gsum) e os Escritos Vários (gsung thor bu).
Longchen Rabjam, Longchenpa
(1308-1363), also called the Omniscient Sovereign or King of Dharma, one of the most extraordinary spiritual masters and scholars of the Nyingmapa school. He wrote more than 250 treatises covering almost all of Buddhist theory and practice up to the Great Perfection, of which he was among the greatest exponents. Among those that have survived are the famous Seven Treasures (mdzod bdun), the Nyingtik Yabzhi (snying tig ya bzhi), the Trilogy of Rest (ngal gso skor gsum), the Trilogy o f Natural Freedom (rang grol skor gsum), the Trilogy of Dispelling Darkness (mun sel skorgsum) and the Miscellaneous Writings (gsung thor bu). [WOMPT, 1998]
Longchen Rabjam (1308-1363) is regarded as the greatest genius of the Nyingma tradition, an incomparable master and author of over two hundred and fifty treatises. Longchenpa's wide-ranging commentaries cover the whole field of Sutra and Mantra, in particular the teachings of the Great Perfection, but also such topics as history and literature. [IMW, 2004]
Also known as the Omniscient Sovereign or King of Dharma: one of the most influential spiritual masters and scholars of the Nyingmapa school. He wrote more than 250 treatises covering almost all of Buddhist theory and practice up to the Great Perfection, including the Seven Treasures (mdzod bdun), the Nyingtik Yabzhi (snying tig ya bzhi), the Trilogy of Rest (ngal gso skor gsum), the Trilogy of Natural Freedom (rang grol skor gsum), the Trilogy of Dispelling Darkness (mun sel skor gsum) and the Miscellaneous Writings (gsung thor bu). See Dudjom Rinpoche, The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism. [TLWF, 2011] [ZT, 2006]
Kunkhyen Longchen Rabjam (1308-1363), regarded as the greatest genius of the Nyingma tradition, an incomparable master and author of over two hundred and fifty treatises. He brought together the two main transmissions of Atiyoga, or Dzogchen: the Khandro Nyingthik of Guru Rinpoche and the Vima Nyingthik descended from Vimalamitra. Longchenpa's wide-ranging commentaries cover the whole field of sutra and mantra, in particular the teachings of Dzogchen, or the Great Perfection, but also such topics as history and literature. Many of his writings are considered to be authentic Mind Termas. Of these the most important are the Four Sections
of Heart Essence teachings (snying thig ya bzhi), the Seven Treasures (mdzod bdun), and
the Mind at Rest trilogy (sems nyid ngal gso). For more details, see Longchen Rabjam, The Practice of Dzogchen. [TPQ, 2010]
1308–1363. Also known as the Omniscient Sovereign or King of Dharma. One of the most influential spiritual masters and scholars of the Nyingma school. He wrote more than 250 treatises covering almost all of Buddhist theory and practice up to the Great Perfection, including the Seven Treasures (mdzod bdun), the Four Parts of the Heart Essence (snying tig ya bzhi), the Trilogy of Rest (ngal gso skor gsum), the Trilogy of Natural Freedom (rang grol skor gsum), the Trilogy of Dispelling Darkness (mun sel skor gsum), and Miscellaneous Writings (gsung thor bu). [NS]
Longchen Rabjam, Longchenpa
(1308-1363) - también llamado el Omnisciente Soberano o rey del Dharma, fue uno de los maestros espirituales y eruditos más extraordinarios de la escuela Nyingma. Escribió más de 250 tratados que abarcaban casi toda la teoría y práctica budista hasta la Gran Perfección, de la que es uno de los mayores exponentes. Entre las obras que han llegado a nuestros días están los célebres Siete tesoros (mdzod bdun), el Nyingtik Yabzhi (snying tig ya bzhi), La trilogía del descanso (ngal gso skor gsum), La trilogía de la liberación natural (rang grol skor gsum), La trilogía de disipar la oscuridad (mun sel skorgsum) y Los escritos diversos (gsung thor bu).
Longchenpa, Omniscient souverain du Dharma, Longchen Rabjampa
(1308-1363), surnommé « l’omniscient souverain du Dharma », l’un des plus prodigieux maîtres et érudits de l’école Nyingma. Le plus grand des exégètes de la Grande Perfection, il composa plus de 250 traités dont les plus célèbres sont Les Sept trésors. [CGP, 1997]
Voir Longchenpa. [CGP, 1997]
(1308-1363) : le plus grand auteur de la tradition nyingmapa, auquel on doit plus de deux cent cinquante ouvrages. En lui fusionnent les deux lignées de transmission de la Grande Perfection, le « Khandro Nyingthik » de Gourou Rinpoché et le « Vima Nyingthik » de Vimalamitra. Les commentaires de Longchenpa traitent autant des soûtras que des tantras, et particulièrement de la Grande Perfection, sans écarter pour autant certains sujets comme l'histoire et la littérature. On considère un grand nombre de ses textes comme des « trésors de l'esprit » (dgongs gter). Parmi ses oeuvres les plus importantes on compte les Quatre Essences du Cœur (snying thig ya bzhi), les Sept Trésors (mdzod bdun) et la Trilogie du Repos (ngal gso skor gsum). [TDPQ, 2009]
Longchen Rabjam, Longchenpa
1308-1363, chiamato anche l’Onnisciente Sovrano o il Re del Dharma, fu uno dei più straordinari maestri spirituali ed eruditi della scuola nyingmapa. Longchenpa scrisse oltre 250 trattati che comprendono quasi tutte le teorie buddhiste e le pratiche fino alla Grande Perfezione, della quale fu tra i maggiori esponenti. Tra i suoi scritti sopravvissuti ci sono i famosi Sette Tesori (mdzod bdun), il Nyingthig Yashi (snying thig ya bzhi) o Le quattro sezioni degli insegnamenti dell’intima essenza del cuore, la Trilogia sul trovare riposo (ngal gso skor gsum), la Trilogia sulla libertà naturale (rang grol skor gsum), la Trilogia sul dissipamento delle tenebre (mun sel skor gsum) e gli Scritti miscellanei (gsung thor bu).