Atenção: provisório – em revisão
Um pássaro mítico enorme em tamanho, capaz de voar assim que eclode do ovo, simbolizando a sabedoria primordial. As cinco cores com que é representado, por vezes, simbolizam as cinco sabedorias. É o inimigo do nāgas e é representado com uma cobra no seu bico, simbolizando o consumir as emoções negativas.
A mythical bird of very large size which is able to fly as soon as it is hatched, symbolizing primal wisdom. The five colours in which it is sometimes represented symbolize the five wisdoms. It is the enemy of the nāgas, and is depicted with a snake in its beak, symbolising consuming the negative emotions. [WOMPT, 1998]
A kind of bird, in both Indian and Tibetan tradition. A creature of great size, it hatches already fledged and is able to fly at once. It is therefore used as a symbol of primordial wisdom. [TPQ, 2010]
A mythical bird symbolizing primal wisdom, of great size and able to fly as soon as it is hatched. The five colors in which it is sometimes represented symbolize the five wisdoms. It is the enemy of the nagas, and is depicted with a snake in its beak, symbolizing consuming the afflictive emotions. [ZT, 2006]
A kind of bird, in Indian and Tibetan mythology, traditionally of great size, the chicks of which are said to emerge from the shell already equipped with feathers and able to fly immediately. It is a symbol of Primordial Wisdom. [LLB, 2002]
Un pájaro mítico de gran tamaño, capaz de levantar el vuelo tan pronto sale del cascarón; simboliza la sabiduría primordial. A veces se le representa con cinco colores que simbolizan las cinco sabidurías. Es enemigo de los nāgas; lleva una serpiente en el pico, símbolo del consumo de las emociones negativas.
garuḍa, aigle homme
sorte d’aigle immense qui est complètement formé au sortir de l’oeuf et symbolise la sagesse. Les cinq couleurs sous lesquelles on le représente parfois symbolisent les cinq sagesses. Les nágas, dont il est l’ennemi, symbolisent les passions. [CGP, 1997]
être mythique au tronc et aux bras humains, avec une tête, des ailes et des pattes d’aigle. Ennemi traditionnel des esprits serpents. [TSC, 2003]
oiseau aux ailes d'or d'une envergure de 3 360 000 lieues qui se nourrit de nāgas. Syn མཁའ་ལྡིང་, ནམ་མཁའ་ལྡིང་. [SEDA, 2019]
Mitico uccello di dimensioni molto grandi in grado di volare non appena esce dal guscio; simboleggia pertanto la conoscenza primordiale. Raffigurato a volte in uno dei cinque colori che rappresentano le cinque saggezze, è predatore dei nāga. Nel becco tiene un serpente, a simboleggiare il consumo delle emozioni afflittive.