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ཁྲི་སྲོང་དེའུ་བཙན , ཁྲི་སྲོང་ལྡེ་བཙན

khri srong de'u btsan , khri srong lde btsan

 Atenção: provisório – em revisão 



Trisong Detsen, Trisong Deutsen

(790-844), 38º rei do Tibete, foi o segundo dos três grandes reis religiosos. Foi devido aos seus esforços que os grandes mestres vieram da Índia e estabeleceram o Budismo firmemente no Tibete.


Trisong Detsen

(790-844). The thirty-eighth king of Tibet, second of the three great religious kings. It was due to his efforts that the great masters came from India and established Buddhism firmly in Tibet. [ZT, 2006]

(790-844). Thirty-eighth king of Tibet, second of the three great religious kings, said to be a manifestation of the Bodhisattva Manjushri. [LLB, 2002]

790–844. The second of the three great religious kings of Tibet. It was thanks to his efforts that Guru Padmasambhava and other great masters came from India to establish Buddhism firmly in Tibet.[NS]


Trisong Detsen

(790-844), el trigésimo octavo rey del Tíbet y el segundo de los tres grandes reyes religiosos. Gracias a sus esfuerzos, los grandes maestros de la India fueron al Tíbet y el budismo se estableció allí firmemente.[PMP, 2014]


Thrisong Detsen

(790-844), 38e roi du Tibet, second des trois grands rois religieux, celui grâce auquel le bouddhisme fut vraiment implanté au Tibet. [CGP, 1997]


Trisong Detsen

(790-844) Il trentottesimo re del Tibet e il secondo dei grandi re religiosi. Fu grazie ai suoi sforzi che i grandi maestri vennero dall’India e che il buddhismo fu stabilito in Tibet.

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