གཟུངས , ༌ཡོངས་སུ་འཛིན་པ
gzungs , *yongs su 'dzin pa
retenção, "aquilo que detém"
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
linha ou fila, (verso mistico ou encantamento)
dhāraṇī (a), fórmula mágica, encantamento
Fórmula sagrada, abençoada por um buda ou um bodhisattva, que tem a propriedade de ajudar os seres. Embora semelhantes aos mantras do Veículo Adamantino, as dhāraṇīs são frequentemente mais longas e pertencem mais à tradição sūtra do que ao tantra.
dhāraṇī, power of retention, incantation
A mantra blessed by a buddha or bodhisattva which has the power to help beings. There are many in the sūtras, often quite long. [WOMPT, 1998] [ZT, 2006]
The term is used to refer to the accomplishment of different kinds of unfailing memory. It is also a verbal formula, often quite long, blessed by a Buddha or a Bodhisattva, belonging to the sūtra tradition and similar to the mantras of the Vajrayāna. [IMW, 2004]
Grounded in the realization of emptiness, and cultivated on the Path of Seeing and above, unfailing memory s one of the characteristics of the highest attainment. Generally speaking, one can distinguish eight (in this text seven) different powers of unfailing memory, such as the power to give an explanation of and teaching on one word for an infinite length of time. [LLB, 2002]
(1) An incantation or long mantra. (2) A bodhisattva’s power of retention, often paired with eloquence, enabling them to teach the Dharma. [OMS, 2018]
Bodhisattvas’ ability to remember unfailingly the infinite words and meanings of the Dharma, enabling them to teach for kalpas on end.[OMS, 2018]
A mantra, often quite long, blessed by a buddha or bodhisattva, which has the power to help beings. Canonical works entitled “incantation” or “dhāraṇī” usually contain an account of the circumstances in which the incantation was taught, along with the benefits of reciting it.[NS]
A verbal formula, often quite long, blessed by a Buddha or a Bodhisattva, similar to the mantras of the Vajrayana but found also in the sutra tradition. The term is also used to refer to the accomplishment of unfailing memory. [TPQ, 2010]
Un tipo de mantra bendecido por un buda o un bodhisattva que tiene el poder de ayudar a los seres. Suelen encontrarse en los sūtras y generalmente son bastantes largos.[PMP, 2002]
Dhāraṇī, contrôle général
pouvoir de ne rien oublier ; mantra béni par un bouddha ou bodhisattva et qui garde le pouvoir d’aider les êtres. [CGP, 1997]
usuellement traduit « formule de mémoire » – ce dont, apparemment, il s'agit. retenir l'ensemble de, rétention (formule de ~): autre traduction possible de dhāraṇī, qv. [SEDA, 2019]
litt. « rétention » : formule verbale, parfois très longue, bénie par un bouddha ou un bodhisattva, analogue aux mantras du Véhicule de Diamant, que l'on trouve dans la tradition des soûtras. Le terme désigne aussi l'accomplissement de la mémoire parfaite.— Les quatre dhâranîs des bouddhas.[TDPQ, 2009]
Formula sacra, benedetta da un buddha o da un bodhisattva, che ha la proprietà di aiutare gli esseri. Simili ai mantra del Veicolo Adamantino, le dhāraṇī sono spesso più lunghe e presenti anche nella tradizione dei sūtra.