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gtor ma

o que se atira/ o que destroi, explode

 Atenção: provisório – em revisão 


बलिङ्ग्त[?] , बलि, बलिः (वलि), बलिन्द

baliṅgta[?] , bali, baliḥ (vali), balinda


torma (a), baliṅgta, (consoante o caso específico: oblata, efígie ou projétil)

Um objeto ritual, muitas vezes moldado com uma massa de farinha (tradicional, tsampa) e manteiga; este pode simbolizar uma deidade, uma maṇḍala, uma oferenda e, ocasionalmente, até uma arma para combater as forças negativas.


torma, torma-offering

A ritual object, often modelled from flour and butter, which can be the symbol of a deity, a maṇḍala, an offering, or occasionally a weapon to fight negative forces. [WOMPT, 1998][NS]

A ritual object of varying shape and composed of a variety of substances. Depending on the context, the torma is considered as an offering, a symbolic representation of a yidam deity, a vehicle of blessings, or even a weapon for dispelling obstacles. [TPQ, 2010]

"That which eliminates the dualistic clinging of hope and fear (gtor) and unites one with the absolute nature of phenomena (ma)." A ritual object of varying shapes and composed of a variety of substances. Depending on the context, the torma is considered as an offering, a symbolic representation of a deity, a source of blessings, or even as a weapon for dispelling obstacles. [LLB, 2002]

A sort of ritual cake of varying shape and composition, used in practices and rituals of the Mantrayana. Depending on the circumstances, it is considered as an offering, a representation or mandala of the meditational deity, or even a kind of symbolic weapon in ceremonies to remove obstacles from the path. [TEPTE 1996]

A ritual offering, of more or less elaborate design, made usually of dough, but sometimes of clay. [WL, 2012]



Un objeto ritual, generalmente hecho con harina y mantequilla, que puede ser el símbolo de una deidad, un maṇḍala, una ofrenda o a veces un arma para luchar contra las fuerzas negativas.[PMP, 2002]


gâteau sacrificiel*, Bali, Torma, gâteau rituel

*CC [LD, 2017]

Gâteau rituel d’offrande.[M, 2003]

objet rituel qui peut avoir différentes formes et être fait de diverses matières. Selon le cas, on le considère comme une déité, un mandala, une offrande, une arme pour dissiper les obstacles. [CGP, 1997]

[ESP, 2012]

objet rituel de forme et de composition très variées. Selon le contexte, la torma sera une offrande, une représentation symbolique de la déité yidam, un vecteur de bénédictions, voire une arme contre les obstacles. [TDPQ, 2009]

objet d'offrande fait de nourritures, pouvant avoir différentes formes et décoré de différentes façons selon le but et le destinaire de l'offrande. [AGP-1, 2017]



Un oggetto rituale. Spesso modellato con un impasto di farina e burro, può simboleggiare una deità, un maṇḍala, un’offerta, e occasionalmente anche un’arma per combattere le forze negative.

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