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gnyis snang

 Atenção: provisório – em revisão 





aparência dualística

A percepção de um objecto como separado de quem percepciona. Apesar de realizarem a vacuidade ao alcançarem o caminho da Visão, os Bodissatvas que percorrem o caminho da meditação, quando não absorvidos no equipoise meditativo, continuam a experienciar o perceptível e a mente que percepciona como duas entidades separadas. Este é o resíduo do hábito dualista e continua até à iluminação total, embora, em virtude da sua realização, os Bodissatvas em questão há muito que abandonaram qualquer crença na realidade desta aparência. [IMW 2004]


dual appearance, perception of mere appearance.

The perception of an object as separate from the perceiver. Despite the fact that they realize emptiness on attaining the path of seeing, Bodhisattvas traversing the path of meditation continue to experience, when not absorbed in meditative equipoise, the percept and the perceiving mind as two separate entities. This is the residue of dualistic habit and continues until full enlightenment even though, by virtue of their realization, the Bodhisattvas in question have long abandoned any belief in the reality of this appearance. [IMW, 2004]

Despite the fact that they have realized emptiness on attaining the path of seeing, bodhisattvas traversing the path of meditation, when not absorbed in meditative equipoise, continue to experience the percept and the perceiving mind as two separate entities. This is the residue of dualistic habit, which continues but gradually fades away, until full enlightenment is attained, even though, by virtue of their realization, the bodhisattvas in question have long abandoned any belief in the reality of the phenomena that continue to appear to them. [TPQ, 2010]



apparence dualiste*, dualisme , perception dualiste

mode perceptif des êtres ordinaires qui voient une différence substantielle entre le sujet et l'objet. Quand le terme traduit le tibétain gnyis snang, « perception ou apparence dualiste », il désigne le plus souvent une différence de perception particulière aux bodhisattvas qui progressent sur la voie de méditation. En effet, lorsque ces grands êtres ne se trouvent pas uniment absorbés en méditation (mnyam bzhag), ils continuent de voir dans le sujet percevant et l'objet perçu deux choses distinctes. Il s'agit là d'un reste de dualisme habituel qui disparaîtra peu à peu jusqu'à l'Éveil parfait même si, du fait de leur réalisation, les bodhisattvas en question ont depuis longtemps éliminé toute croyance à la réalité des choses qui continuent de leur apparaître. [TDPQ, 2009]

voir Dualisme. [TDPQ, 2009]

*CC [SPB, 2020]


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