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 Atenção: provisório – em revisão 




aquele que vê


sábio, ṛṣi

1) sábio, eremita, santo, particularmente os famosos sábios da Índia, que tinham uma enorme longevidade e poderes mágicos. 2) nome de uma constelação.


ṛṣi, ṛiṣi, sage

1) sage, hermit, saint, particularly the famous sages of Indian myth, who had enormous longevity and magical powers. 2) name of a constellation. [WOMPT, 1998]

A hermit or saint; in particular the famous sages of Indian myth, who had enormous longevity and magical powers. The Buddha is sometimes referred to as the Great Sage. [TLWF, 2011]

A hermit or saint; in particular the famous sages of Indian myth, who had enormous longevity and magical powers. [ZT, 2006]

Name given to the great sages of Indian mythology, endowed with great longevity and magical powers, who were instrumental in the creation, or reception, of the Vedas. In the Buddhist context, this word is usually translated as sage, hermit, or saint. [TPQ, 2010]

A sage, hermit, or saint; particularly the famous sages of Indian mythology, who had enormous longevity and magical powers.[NS]


ṛṣi, ṛiṣi, sabio, ṛiṣhi

1) Sabio, ermitaño, santo, especialmente los míticos sabios de la antigua India que poseían una inmensa longevidad y poderes mágicos. 2) Nombre de una constelación.


anachorète*, sage*, Rishi, ṛiṣi, rishi (n. m.) sage voyant, ascète des forêts

« celui qui, physiquement, verbalement et mentalement est droit, sans hypocrisie ni tromperie ». (Grand Dictionnaire tibétain-chinois -bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo . Pékin 1985.) Parfois synonyme de sage, saint, ermite, ascète. Le Bouddha est parfois qualifié de « rishi suprême ». [POL, 1999]

sage, saint, ermite. [CGP, 1997]

ascète des forêts. Le « grand rishi » est le Bouddha. [SEDA, 2019]

grands sages de la mythologie indienne, dotés d'une longévité extrême et de nombreux pouvoirs magiques, qui contribuèrent à l'établissement des Védas. Dans la tradition bouddhiste, le mot désigne un sage, un saint ou un ermite. Parfois traduit par « voyant ». [TDPQ, 2009]

*CC [LD, 2017]


ṛṣi, saggio

1. saggio, eremita, santo, particolarmente riferito ai mitici saggi dell’antica India, che godevano di eccezionale longevità e di poteri magici; 2. nome di una costellazione.

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