zhi ba lha
divindade pacífica
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
divindade pacífica
Autor da célebre obra Bodhicaryāvatāra (A Via do Bodhisattva) que expõe, sob a forma de versos, toda a essência da bodhicitta e das seis pāramitās. Esta obra tornou-se referência para todas as escolas budistas Mahāyāna. Śāntideva foi monge e membro da antiga univer- sidade de Nālanda, e viveu durante o século VIII.
(viveu na primeira metade do século VIII d.C.) Membro da Universidade de Nālanda e famoso autor do Bodhicaryāvatāra. Ele manteve a visão da Prasangika Madhyamika na tradição de Chandrakirti. [IMW 2004].
(7th century), the great Indian poet and mahāsiddha, who astounded the monks of his monastery of Nālandā with his famous poem on the practice of bodhicitta, the Bodhicaryāvatāra (spyod 'jug), or The Way of the Bodhisattva. [WOMPT, 1998]
(flourished in the first half of the eighth century C.E.) A member of Nālandā University and the celebrated author of the Bodhicaryāvatāra . He upheld the view of the Prāsaṅgika Madhyamaka in the tradition of Candrakīrti. [IMW, 2004]
The great 7th century Indian poet and mahasiddha (great accomplished being), author of the famous poem on the practice of bodhichitta, The Way of the Bodhisattva (Bodhicaryāvatāra . [TLWF, 2011][NS]
A member of Nālanda university and the celebrated author of the Bodhicaryāvatāra (The Way of the Bodhisattva). He upheld the view of the Prāsaṅgika Madhyamaka in the tradition of Candrakīrti. Śāntideva was also the author of the Śikṣāsamuccaya, a compendium of citations on discipline, which forms a valuable collection of texts that have otherwise been lost. [TPQ, 2010]
(Siglo VII), el gran poeta indio y mahāsiddha, que asombró a los monjes de su monasterio de Nalanda con su famoso poema sobre la practica de la bodhicitta, el Bodhicaryāvatāra (spyod 'jug).[PMP, 2002]
Śāntideva, Shântideva
(7e siècle), poète et mahásiddha indien, auteur du célèbre Bodhicaryávatára (traduction française : La Marche vers l’Éveil , édit. Padmakara). [CGP, 1997]
(685-763 ou VIIe-VIIIe siècle) : moine de l'université de Nâlandâ et auteur du Bodhicaryâvatâra, où il se montre adepte du Prâsangika-Mâdhyamika. Son Compendium des Entraînements (Shikshasamuccaya) est une précieuse anthologie de textes autrement perdus. [TDPQ, 2009]
(VII secolo) Grande poeta e mahāsiddha indiano che sbalordì i monaci di Nālandā col suo famoso poema sulla pratica del bodhicitta, il Bodhicaryāvatāra (tib. spyod ’jug, lett. ‘intraprendere l’azione o la pratica del bodhisattva’).