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rtsa ltung

queda raiz

 Atenção: provisório – em revisão 



trangressão raíz



The breaking of a vow the observance of which is fundamental to successfully accomplishing the path. Its definition is as follows: if the vow is kept it is the root that gives rise to all the excellent qualities of the path and result; if it is not kept it becomes the cause of lower realms and the root of suffering, and as a result one falls further and further down in subsequent lives. [TLWF 2011][NS]

A vow the observance of which is fundamental to successfully accomplishing the path. Defined as follows: if the vow is kept, it is the root that gives rise to all the excellent qualities of the path and result; if it is not kept, it becomes the cause of lower realms and the root of suffering, and as a result one falls further and further down in subsequent lives. [GWPT 2004]


transgresión raíz, caída raíz o fundamental

Transgresión de un voto cuya observancia es fundamental para realizar con éxito el camino. Mantener el voto es la raíz que da origen a todas las excelentes cualidades del camino y a su resultado; si no se mantiene, se convierte en la causa de los reinos inferiores y en la raíz del sufrimiento y, como resultado, uno cae cada vez más abajo en las vidas posteriores.


chute principale / racine*

*CC [LD, 2017]


caduta fondamentale o principale

non osservanza o trasgressione dei voti di base

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