mtshams med lnga
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
पञ्चानन्तरीयाणि, आनन्तर्या कर्मन्, पञ्चानन्तर्य (आनन्तरिककर्म)
pañcānantarīyāṇi, ānantaryākarman, pañcānantarya (ānantarikakarma)
cinco ações negativas com retribuição imediata
i) matar o próprio pai ou ii) mãe ou iii) um arhat; iv) criar uma cisma na Saṅgha; v) derramar malevolentemente o sangue de um buda. Alguém que cometeu uma dessas cinco ações renasce no Inferno do Tormento Último imediatamente após a morte, sem passar pelo estado intermediário.
five crimes with immediate retribution, five sins of immediate effect.
i) killing one's father or ii) one's mother or iii) an Arhat; iv) creat- ing a split in the Sangha; v) malevolently causing a Buddha to bleed. Someone who has committed one of these five actions takes rebirth in the hell of Ultimate Torment immediately after death, without going through the intermediate state. [WOMPT, 1998]
These are: to kill one's father, to kill one's mother, to kill an Arhat, to attack and injure a Buddha so as to draw blood, and to cause a schism in the Sangha. These actions are of immediate effect because they are so grave that their strength overrides any other karma and at death the person concerned falls directly into hell without even passing through the bardo state. [TPQ, 2010]
Also called five sins with immediate effect: (1) killing one’s father, (2) killing one’s mother, (3) killing an Arhat, (4) creating a split in the Sangha, and (5) malevolently causing a Buddha to bleed. Some- one who has committed one of these five actions takes rebirth in the Hell of Torment Unsurpassed immediately after death, without going through the intermediate state. [NLF, 2005]
Five negative actions that are so grave that they provoke immediate descent into the lower realms after death. They are killing one's mother; killing one's father; killing an Arhat; with evil intention causing the blood of a Buddha to flow; and provoking a schism in the spiritual community. Whoever commits such an action is said to be reborn in the Hell of Torment Unsurpassed immediately after death, without even passing through the bardo state. [LLB, 2002]
Also called five sins with immediate effect: (1) killing one’s father, (2) killing one’s mother, (3) killing an arhat, (4) creating a split in the Saṅgha, and (5) malevolently causing a buddha to bleed. Someone who has committed one of these five actions takes rebirth in the Hell of Torment Unsurpassed immediately after death, without going through the intermediate state between one rebirth and the next.[OMS, 2018]
cinco crímenes de efecto inmediato
1) matar al propio padre, 2) matar a la propia madre, 3) matar a un arhat, 4) provocar una escisión en la Sangha y 5) malintencionadamente hacer que un buda sangre. Alguien que ha cometido alguna de estas cinco acciones renace en el infierno de las Torturas Máximas inmediatamente después de su muerte, sin pasar por el estado intermedio.
cinq actes à rétribution immédiate, crimes à rétribution immédiate
tuer sa mère, son père ou un arhat, diviser la Sangha et répandre le sang d’un bouddha avec une mauvaise intention. Celui qui a commis l’un de ces crimes renaît dans l’enfer des Tourments insurpassables (q.v.) immédiatement après sa mort sans passer par l’état intermédiaire du bardo. [PA, 2008]
tuer son père, sa mère, ou un arhat ; diviser la Saþgha ; faire couler le sang d’un bouddha avec une intention mauvaise. On dit que celui qui a commis l’un de ces crimes renaît dans l’enfer des tourments insurpassables immédiatement après la mort, sans passer par le bardo . [CGP, 1997]
cinq crimes à rétribution immédiate : 1. tuer sa mère shāmŭ 殺母 matṛghāta / ma gsod pa ; 2. tuer son père shāfù 殺父 pitṛghāta / pha gsod pa ; 3. tuer un Arhat shā āluóhàn 殺阿羅漢 arhadvadha / dgra bcom gsod pa ; 4. faire couler le sang d'un bouddha dans une mauvaise intention chū Fóshénxuĕ 出佛身血 duṣṭacittarudhirotpadana / de bzhin gshegs pa'i sku la ngan sems kyis khrag ‘byin pa ; 5. créer un schisme dans la Communauté (Saṅgha) pò héhésēng 破和合僧 saṅghabheda / dge ‘dun gyi dbyen byed pa. [PC]
1. tuer sa mère shāmŭ 殺母 matṛghāta / ma gsod pa ; 2. tuer son père shāfù 殺父 pitṛghāta / pha gsod pa ; 3. tuer un Arhat shā āluóhàn 殺阿羅漢 arhadvadha / dgra bcom gsod pa ; 4. faire couler le sang d'un bouddha dans une mauvaise intention chū Fóshénxuĕ 出佛身血 duṣṭacittarudhirotpadana / de bzhin gshegs pa'i sku la ngan sems kyis khrag ‘byin pa ; 5. créer un schisme dans la Communauté (Saṅgha) pò héhésēng 破和合僧 saṅghabheda / dge ‘dun gyi dbyen byed pa. [SEDA, 2019]
*CC [SPB, 2020][GE]
cinque crimini a effetto immediato
1. Uccidere il proprio padre; 2. uccidere la propria madre; 3. uccidere un arhat; 4. creare scissioni all’interno del saṅgha e 5. spargere il sangue di un buddha con cattiva intenzione. Commettere uno di questi cinque crimini porta a tornare a nascere nell’Inferno dell’ultimo tormento immediatamente dopo la morte, senza passare per lo stato intermedio.