gzugs med khams
mundo/ reino/ domínio sem forma
Atenção: provisório – em revisão
आरूप्यधातु, अरूपधातु
ārūpyadhātu, arūpadhātu
região do desprovido de forma
mundo da não-forma, mundo do sem forma
world of formlessness, realm of formlessness, formless realm.
The four highest states of samsaric existence. They correspond to the four formless absorptions, that is, the four meditative absorptions devoid of attributes. They are called: (1) Infinite Space (nam mkha' mtha' yas) (2) Infinite Consciousness (rnam shes mtha' yas); (3) Utter Nothingness (ci yang mtd pa); and (4) Neither Existence nor Nonexistence (yod min med min). They are devoid of location and are characterized by the absence of perception. [TPQ, 2010]
The third of the three worlds, at the peak of existence. It comprises the spheres of infinite space, infinite consciousness, utter nothingness, and neither existence nor nonexistence. [TLWF, 2011] [ZT, 2006][OMS, 2018][NS]
The third of the three worlds. [GWPT, 2004]
monde du Sans-Forme*, Sans-forme (monde)
monde situé au-dessus du monde de la Forme, où demeurent des dieux ne possédant qu'un corps mental. Ils sont libres du désir grossier et de l'attachement à une forme corporelle, mais s'attachent à leur état de concentration sans forme qu'ils prennent pour la libération. [POL, 1999]
monde dans lequel les êtres ne possèdent pas de corps matériel, seulement un corps mental. Il comprend quatre niveaux, correspondant aux quatre absorptions sans-forme (gzugs med pa’i snyoms ’jug bzhi , catuhsamāpatti) : espace infini (nam mkha mtha’ yas skye mched , ākāśānantyāyatana), conscience infinie (rnam shes mtha’ yas skye mched , Vijñānānantyāyatana), absolument rien (ci yang med pa’i skye mched , ākiṃcanyāyatana), ni existant ni nonexistant (’du shes med ’du shes med min skye mched , naivasaṃjñānāsaṃjñāyatanaṃ). [CGP, 1997]
*CC [GE]